Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The Rules:
All the ideas/summaries and plot bunnies on this page are free to take WITH CREDIT. You must credit every single thing you take from here that you publish... usually in the beginning author notes.
- The premise of this story was created and written by Molly Morrison. I am using with permission, curtesy of Potions and Snitches' Plot Bunny Pound. The summary and the Hot Air Balloon scene were copied and publish verbatium from Molly Morrison.
Everything placed on this page was given by the authors with the permission that others use them. Please do not adopt unless you have the intention of really working on them. You may also contribute by sending a plot bunny or idea to Jan or by adding to current bunnies.
Adopters are in no way required to copy and use anything exactly as they are. You may rewrite and/or correct any complete scenes or change anything around, just don't forget to give credit to the original idea.
Plot bunnies may be retracted by the contributors at any time, however, anyone with a WIP of those bunnies may continue to work on and publish them. Everything is to be shared- more than one person can work on any of the ideas. The original contributors are in no way barred from their own ideas- they may also work on any of the ideas they gave up.
Please email Jan if you adopt any of these and let her know when you first start posting. :)
For Abandoned stories: IMPORTANT
You MUST contact the original author for permission and confirmation and give a link to the original story.
Continue on....

Adopt a Plot Bunny!