Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.
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Go to "Harry Potter and the [title]"
HandMeDown Clothes by Quillitch (146720)
K+ - WIP 11 chapt Apr05
Author's Summary: AU: "By Merlin Albus! That boy must be moved!" What if Dumbledore took Harry away from no.4 Privet Drive, with its perfectly pruned shrubs and colour co-ordinated flower beds, to somewhere he could call home...
Figg convinces Dumbledore to check up on Harry. Features Grandpa Albus, Aunt Minnie shopping. Uncle Sev is a bat.
Hand in Hand by sparkle-2oo3 (309044)
K+ - WIP 4 chapt Jul03
Author's Summary: A six-year-old Harry�s life changes forever when he is rescued from the Dursley home by none other than...Severus Snape.
Hanging On by Dark Hikari Kamiya (69377)
T - FIN 1 chapter Jun02
Author's Summary: Snape finds out Harry's life isn't as cheerful as he thinks it is. Can he help him? (Not Slash sorry)
Harry talks to Hedwig on top of tower, then jumps off, Snape catches him. They talk in the kitchen over tea.
Happy Days in Hell by enahma (336823)
T - FIN 16 chapt Jan04
Author's Summary: AU post GoF, Harry and Severus are captured and tortured by Voldemort. They come to terms, they learn about the past and the results are unbelievable. NO SLASH. The first part of the complete trilogy!
Sequels: Coming off the Ropes, Through the Walls
Harry learns the Truth by Baroness Jumping Rain; Sidda (210195)
K - WIP 13 chapt Jan03
Author's Summary: Harry learns the truth about his parentage, but what will happen when his powers are reveled. Will his friends leave him, will snape and harry be civil? read on to find out more. HP/DM
Harry Potter by Mulledmead (414286)
T - WIP 24 chapt Oct04
Author's Summary: Harry's Sixth Year at Hogwarts. Training for the inavoidable fight against Voldemort, a Dueling Tournament, and as always attempts on Harry's life ensue during this year at Hogwarts. Post-OotP
Harry Potter, A Child Again by Tory (174635)
K+ - WIP 30 chapt Aug04
Author's Summary: Harry is fighting Voldemort again A repeat of fourth years graveyard scene seems decided He escapes Voldemort; but turns into a child in the process What will happen when the they never find Harry�s body but do find Voldemort�s dead? And do find all of Vo
Not so much of a Baby fic here. Harry is estranged from the Wizarding world(new family OCs) until he turns 8 years old... his real Mother and Father had come back when Voldemort did or did not died.
Harry Potter, Never Normal by shreve (427818)
T - WIP 29 chapt Sep04
Author's Summary: Post OotP: sixth year : Non canon : Harry learns more about what it truly means to have power. HarryTonks from ch 15. RonHermione in the beginning. Harry refuses to join the Order, instead allies with them. No Slash
Harry Potter: Bloodstones and Twilight by Charlie Quill (246895)
T - WIP 15 chapt Jul04
Author's Summary: Updated. Huh. What do you know? I'm still alive, and better news? I've updated to the second part of chapter 9! Whee!
Harry Potter: The Ancestors' call Naia (157136)
K+ - WIP 21 chapt May05
Author's Summary: With Voldemort rising, Harry is busy trying to stay alive.... But what would happen if the hope of the wizarding world disapeared? Where is he gone to? New powers, friendships, discoveries..... Harry is in for an interesting year!
Back in Time
Harry Potter: The Boy Who Almost Wasn't by MirrorWakes (414100) LiveJournal
K+ - WIP 8 chapt Jun04
Fanfiction.Net - also found on her Live Journal!
Author's Summary: Severitus Challenge. Yes, this is yet another one of those, but a bit different. I hope.
Rough Draft, editing about to be done. Gutterrat!Harry
Harry Potter: The Truth Behind the Lies by SweetSuzanne (412969)
T - WIP 12 chapt Nov04
Author's Summary:Set after GoF: Harry is slowly sinking into depression. Harry is now changing friends, switching sides, doing drugs, drinking, cutting, and more. Can anyone save him? Rated PG13 for attempted suicide, drugs, alcohol. rating may go higher
Go to "Harry Potter and the [title]" here
Harry Potter Is More Than a Little Tired by candledot (190556)
T - WIP 14 chapt May05
Author's Summary: Harry saved by Snape? abusive relatives? Suicidal? Self-Injury? Not for the faint of heart kiddies.....
Harry Potter When Secrets Come Out by crazepainter (439420)
T - WIP 28 chapt Mar05
Author's Summary: Harry has secrets that are about to come out but, he needs to figuire out how to tell everyone. Seveirtus with a twist. updated daily Please rr
Harry Snape, four year old and proud of it! by HaliJade Snape (494167)
K+ - FIN 24 chapt May04
Author's Summary: FINISHED WITH SEQUEL! Used to Be: NewAge, NewTricks, NewLives. Severus saves Harry Potter from his abusive relatives at age four, to find out he has a son and daughter. What happens when they find Peter and Lily?
Harry Snape? by Elysia1 (314114)
K+ - WIP 17 chapt Feb04
Author's Summary: What if the Dursleys weren't the only relatives Harry had? Another Severitis Challenge and it takes into account Order of the Pheonix. SS/LE
Poses as Snape's nephew; Renamed Salazar "Sal" Snape. Still friends with Ron & Hermione. Decides to spy. "He pulled out black dress robes lined with green and silver, "Try these on," Snape directed."
Used to be Harry Snape? A response to the Severitus Challenge
Harry's Apology by Snobo52 (625028)
K+ - FIN 4 chapt Jul04
Author's Summary: Harry trys to make it up to Snape after the Pensieve incident... but will the stubborn professor accept the apology? NON SLASH!
Harry's Big Surprise by snapeiscool (167597)
K - WIP 2 chapt Mar02
Author's Summary: This isn't the kind of surprise you'd want. Harry finds out that he and Professor Snape share a past Harry would have never expected.
Nothing much yet. Weasleys pick Harry up from Dursleys.
Harry's Savior by shadowsylvia (495680)
T - WIP/FIN? 47 chapt Jun05
Author's Summary: Harry is offered a way out of the Dursleys and a specialized education to be an Auror. The only catch...Voldemort.
Hear With My Eyes, Speak With my Hands by lina Inverse the Dramata (63446)
K+ - WIP 5 chapt Dec04
Author's Summary: The Boy Who Lives comes togwarts for his first year, but there was something the wizarding world didn't know about Harry, and now they have to choose between teaching him or sending him back to the Dursley's. Temporary Hiatus
Hearts and Hourglasses by Yen (52697)
K - WIP 40 chapt Jul02
Author's Summary: A thousand years ago, Slytherin wanted to see how Hogwarts would turn out. So, he sealed a memory of himself & of the other Founders in the Sorting Hat. Along comes Harry who sees the Sorting Hat aglowing, and Hogwarts now has four additional professors.
VERY original. Great begiining and middle.. ending is dragging off a cliff.
Help by Wicked Misty (85652)
M - WIP 22 chapt Dec04
Author's Summary: Harry is abused by the Dursley's and is found by some of our favorite characters. Angst everywere!
Helping Heal by Beren's-Wife (496025)
K+ - WIP 6 chapt Jan04
Author's Summary: Harry suffers under his uncle, Snape finds out and gets him out. Because nobody is there Harry has to stay with Snape...
Her last prophecy by Narcissa1 (357213)
K+ - WIP 44 chapt Mar05
Author's Summary: The usual: Snape is Harrys father but what happens when not just one but two long forgotten prophecies reapear? Will Harry friendship to Ron and Hermione survive, and even more important, will Harry survive?
Here and Now by Karlynne (553182)
T - FIN 20 chapt Jun04
Author's Summary: Minerva tries to right wrongs.
Here Be Monsters I: Wizard's Lament by Dzeytoun (424644)
T - WIP 15 chapt Jan04
Author's Summary:Albus Dumbledore has lived a very long time. But the summer following Harry's fifth year will see events to change his life forever.
Hidden by eQuasarus (104816)
T - WIP 21 chapt Dec04
Author's Summary: AU: Harry, placed in a dangerous situation in his youth escapes with his life. But wandering in the forest is just as dangerous for a full grown adult. Can a five year old survive?
Hidden by Shadow's Whisper (497826)
T - WIP 4 chapt Jan04
Author's Summary: Harry is abused, but when he is rescued he is led down the path of discovery.....
Hidden Beneath by Adah (102816)
T - FIN 27 chapt May03
Author's Summary: Harry left the wizarding world ten years ago, to escape what happened. Now he's in England, and a collision between his old world and his new one is near.
Hidden Truths by MajinSakuko (366851)
T � FIN 14 chapt May04
Author's Summary: Complete! No Slash! Voldemort's finally defeated, but Snape can't remember what happened exactly. He decides to brew a potion to reclaim his memory ... and something utterly unexpected, too. Thanks to Natara
His Destiny by Maethoriell Uini Tawar (393283)
K � FIN 1 chapt May04
Author's Summary: Severus Snape is Harrys father and Slytherins true heir
Hogwarts Apprentices I: Gentry Green by lisa roquin (364765)
M � WIP 40 chapt Jun05
Author's Summary: Harry learns some disturbing family history and returns to Hogwarts early before his 6th yr for Apprentice Studies
Snape is Harry's personal mentor, but before any serious studying takes place, disaster after disaster occurs. Snape's hands are hurt and he's bed-ridden. Harry become the one in charge. He, Draco, Zabini, and Neville are linked, Hogwarts' wards bind them to the school and 4 other unwilling people.
Hogwarts? What�s a Hogwarts? by Numairs-Magelet (146336)
T � WIP 15 chap May03
Author's Summary: Harry loses his memory and must now stay with Snape. NOT SLASH. Previous chapters have been modified. Harry, Hermione, and Snape, but, sorry, not a love triangle :)
Home by Bluethought (603743)
T - FIN 1 chapt Jul05
Author's Summary: The War has ended. Harry is alone and in pain. Funnily enough, so is Snape. Their hatred is strong. Some things can be stronger. !HBP spoilers. Preslash? I'm not sure. You decide.!
Home Sweet Home by Princess Kirsty (232596)
K - FIN 7 chapt Dec02
Author's Summary: *chapter 7 COMPLETE!*Sirius and Remus catch Peter, a trial follows - proving his innocence and getting his Godson (Dursley's in Hogwarts!). Then Harry gets to go home (hence the title!)
How Soon the Rain by Artemisu (106194)
M � WIP 23 chapt Jul04
Author's Summary: A spider's thread can only hold so much - the world cannot be borne on one boy's shoulders for long before he breaks - and then when the rain comes, no one picks up the pieces before they wash away
HP and the Legend of the Golden Serpent by Camille (20282)
K+ � FIN 34 chapt Jul01
Author's Summary: COMPLETED! Sixteen years ago, a prophecy was made, and now it's time that it came true. As Harry, Ron, and Hermione begin their fifth year at Hogwarts, they are about to discover a secret, hidden for fifteen years . . .
HPX2: Harry Potter & The Secrets of Weapon X by Classic Cowboy (78707)
M � FIN 18 chatp Apr04
Author's Summary: HPX-Men crossover) Sequel to Children of the Atom. As Harry prepares for his seventh year at the newly rebuilt New Hogwarts, he and the X-Men faces a threat that targets both muggles and magicals, meanwhile Wolverine learns of his past. FINISHED