Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.
Temporary Story Page 2!
This page is hosting the fics that have yet to be sorted. Currently 285 fics listed here.
Page One ~*~ Page Two ~*~ Page Three
A Different Beggining by Devy Black (672782)
Author's Summary: What if Harry had two stepfathers and a real home? What if everything was different? No slash... Kinda Severitus... Including Sirius! Yeah I know this summary wasn't the best but you can try to read it!
2.5 frogs, almost done. Little Harry, Blaise, Draco.
A Different Sort of Power by LordPixel (593044)
Author's Summary: Dumbledore's teaching Transfiguration, McGonagall's headmistress, Harry's got some new powers and the only one who can teach him to control them is...Snape? Stressful HHr
***A Dream Come True Or Not by Smorefan ()
Author's Summary: Severitus Challenge. What happenes when a secret Dumbeldore has been keeping is revealed? Will Snape accept it? Will Harry? No slash! Plz RR Rated PG13 to be safe. Chapter 9 now up!
***A Family For Harry by Angela Lillith Potter ()
Author's Summary: ON HOLD! Harry is abused!Dumbledore thinks something is wrong so he sends Snape to check on Harry. What will Severus Snape do? READ AND REVIEW!
A Family for Harry by Hilga Pence (877832)
Author's Summary: What would you do if everything you had ever known came crashing down? Would you let it drift by, or would you embrace it? What if Severus Snape turned out to be the father you never knew you had?
*A Final Understanding by lilsnape (857069)
Author's Summary: Response to contest at Third Floor Corridor. 7th Year, AU, HBP spoilers. Harry is convinced to go back to Hogwarts by Remus. While at school he receives a letter with the location of Snape and sneaks out to confront him. What will he find?
A Forgotten Youth by Magami (335398)
Author's Summary: A broken Harry Potter mysteriously vanishing from the face of the Earth without so much as a trace left behind. A year later, a dark man suddenly appears at Hogwarts with a secret, he is not who he plays himself out to be.
A Handful of Stars by Caracandal (58342)
Author's Summary: (Not Slash!) Harry Potter is back at Hogwarts as a professor, and he and Snape still hate each other. That doesn't change the fact that they must work together to help an abused child. Prologue now up!
A Master of Dreams by Linda-Nairika (960669)
Author's Summary: No trap could be compared to a trap of one’s own imagination, and Voldemort is aware of it, rest assured. Harry Potter is locked in a nightmare, created by the Dark Lord. However, Voldemort doesn’t know there is a Master of Dreams in Hogwarts...
***A New Chance by OmShaktipriya (843384)
Author's Summary: Severitus, post 4th year. Just your generic Harry is abused, woe is the boy who lived, until it is discovered that Severus Snape is his father. And then things get really hectic. obviously AU. Rated M for heavy abuse, both implied and written.
***A New Perspective by MoonLuvr ()
Author's Summary: Harry has been acting strangely since the end of his fifth year. What happens when two of the most unlikely people do something about it?
A Nightmare Come True by emraldgreen (1020068)
Author's Summary: Many bad things have happened to Harry Potter during the years. But this is much worse. Much much worse. Harry is forced to become Severus Snapes' adopted son. Will he survive?
*A Second Chance by AlchemistM (730505)
Author's Summary: What happens when you're given a second chance? Will you take it? Or let it slip through your fingers?... Harry's about to decide. A Snape adopts Harry story.
***A Secret So Horrible It... by Serenthia (110876)
Author's Summary: Harry and Snape find out they are father and son. But Harry isn't the son and Snape isn't the father. A case against the use of Time-Turners by senile old men.
A Serpent's Son by the return of merry (734633)
Author's Summary: What happens when the person you hate happens to need you the most? Severitus.
***A Severing of Ties Part One by suppi-kero-chans (323599)
Author's Summary: Voldemort has another evil plot, but this time he's not out to kill the Boy Who Lived...he wants to recruit him, and he knows the perfect Potions Master for the job. :: time travel : mean!Dudley : complete [pending part 2] ::
*A Very Short Severitus by Vitugglan ()
Author's Summary: Harry learns something on his seventeenth birthday which impacts his life choices. One shot, complete.
*All I Have To Give by Karlynne (553182)
Author's Summary: Dumbledore and Harry move forward after the events of last year while others have to deal with Severus Snape's new role.
*All Secrets Revealed by Draco'sBrokenAngel ()
Author's Summary: Harry goes into his Aunt and Uncle’s basement one day to see if ANY of his parent’s belongings were saved but they had decided to hide from him. He ended up discovering something that will not only change his life through the following year, but his view
*All Those Years by diagonist ()
Author's Summary: Snape thought that his son is dead, until the emergence of the Haemotestra Potion. You have been gambling with death ever since the day the Dark Lord burnt the Mark into your skin, and yet, you remember nothing about the most important thing in your life
Alliances by Deidamea (532975)
Author's Summary: Post OotP. The summer following Harry's fifth year seems to grow even harder to bear with every day. And now, old secrets are beginning to meddle in an already explosive cauldron. Lots of surprises. Rating for mature situations and language. AU.
Nothing yet. OC Snape's daughter, Harry's sister.
*Am I Meant to be Loved? by T-Bear2 (259915)
Author's Summary: Harry is very young and is taken out of the Dursley's care and finds a father in an unlikely source.
88. Amoris Infinitas by Persephone Lupin reviews
COMPLETE! Warning: major spoilers!: The spring after HBP. Harry and his friends are hunting after the last Horcruxes. And there is still that burning desire in Harry to avenge a certain character’s death. What will happen when Snape and Harry meet again?
Complete - Fiction Rated: T - English - Action/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 21579 - Reviews: 280 - Updated: 8-25-05 - Published: 7-31-05
*An Accident? by VickiWeasley (890735)
Author's Summary: chapter 3 now up Harry is going into 6th year after sirius dies Voldemort is defeated but harry can not just live a peaceful life a potions accident causes responsibility that noone is ready for becoming a guardian.Not what you think Please R&Rno flames p
*An Understanding by zeldaricdeau ()
Author's Summary: On a cold morning in October Harry Potter and Severus Snape are given an opportunity to come to an understanding. PG rating for some language in later updates. NOT SLASH. Any constructive criticism welcome.
Author's Summary: SEVERITUS! After discovering the truth, Harry and Severus are trying to get along ( well, at least one of them is ), but it won't be as easy as they thought...R&R
Another Facet of Life by MadnessInBaggyPants (1004272)
Author's Summary: What lies behind words and actions? A Snape is Harry’s father story. No direct PoVs, but a slightly ironic narrator. Takes events&plays with them. Emphasis on decisions gone WRONG. Severitus or Sevitus
Another Snape by Adrelliehs (461045)
Author's Summary: One Shot. Severitus Chalange. ANGSTY IS DEATHY. You cant expect Harry or Severus to be delighted by the news that they are related.
*Arielle Potter : Book One by Serena R. Snape ()
Author's Summary: AU Book I. Harry is Arielle a girl, and her life was totally changed when none other but Severus Snape came for her instead of Harry. The storyline is not what you expect! Read and Review! Constructive Criticism OK, Flames NOT OKAY!
Because of You by leggylover03 (397080)
Author's Summary: Severus hears some news, news that send his thoughts to long ago.
*Becoming Who You're Meant to be by Bekah17 (637545)
Author's Summary: Severitus Challenge. Harry finds out Severus is his father. Another suprise also awaits Harry on his 16th birthday! Written by me and Black Dragon Lady. DISCLAIMER: WE DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER! COMPLETE!
***Beginning Again by Sentimental Star ()
Author's Summary: Fitting, then, that out of the ashes of darkness past, rose a future brighter than any had seen in what seemed like many long years. He released a soft breath. But now that he had that future, what was he going to do about it? [NonSlash]
Betrayal on High by coldfiredragon (404201)
Author's Summary: Harry finds out that he isn't who he thinks he is and this realization will change the fate of his world. DARK Harry, EVIL Dumbledore. Some Language.
Author's Summary: In his fifth year Harry Potter was framed for murder and sentenced to Azkaban. Ten years later his innocence is proven. What will Harry do? Written Pre-OotP. NEW CHAPTER!
*Binding Force by BookishObsessed ()
Author's Summary: Almost Severitus, but not quite. Snape is Harry's father. Watch Harry as he goes through Hogwarts. Full(er) summary inside. Will parallel the books, for the most part.
Black Bird by Duath (501895)
Author's Summary: Harry Potter has died, but suddenly Snape's son shows up with a misty backround and even foggier future. Who is this boy and WHAT is he?
Harry half demon. Scars from Voldemort. Said to have been left at a temple in Egypt.
Author's Summary: The first part of the war had been obvious. Kill Voldemort and win. Harry and the others took that part into their own hands. But there wasn't supposed to be a second part. Survive the Aftermath.
Blessed Are the Curious by Seren ()
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: Harry Evan's mother died for him on Hallowe'en night, and he was left to the hands of the Dursleys. During his third year, he enlists his two best friends, Ron and Hermione, to help him search for information about his mother and the identity of his father. A photograph points the Trio towards Lily's two best friends during Hogwarts, Remus Lupin and surprisingly, Severus Snape, and starts them on the adventure of a lifetime.
Blessing by Silver Sylph of Slytherin ()
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: Severitus inspired. When Harry recieves a letter just before his birthday, the repercussions will change the world. PG-13 for language.
*Blood Of The Enemy by Sea Priestess ()
Author's Summary: A short one shot. "His figure, naked and proud rises from the depths like some perverse parody of the Birth of Venus. His gaze meets yours. You want to scream- his eyes are red."
Blood of the Mother by BertaS (552927)
Author's Summary: Post OotP, No HBP. Harrys summer stay at the Dursleys brings surprises for Harry, Dudley and Voldemort. Multi chapter WIP Chpt 6 enter Snape stage right.
2.5 frogs. Different. Harry and Dudley spend summer together, a showdown. Enter Snape afterwards. OOC.
*Blood Red Sky by Spirit White ()
Author's Summary: Severitus Challenge, AU fifth year. The summer after Voldemort's rebirth and Cedric's death, Harry's angry, hurt, and suddenly not looking much like James Potter.
Blood Stains by irisbud (255206)
Author's Summary: Hermione and Snape have a secret that has absolutly nothing to do with romance and everything to do with Harry. WIP
Hermione's POV
Book One: Start in a New Life by writing-phoenix (725610)
Author's Summary: AU- How would things have changed if the Dursley’s had gone from insulting Harry to hurting him? This story features Harry’s first year at Hogwarts, him making friends and facing challenges in the new and wonderful world. Warning: Child abuse
May be Gen
*Bound by the Past by Kasca Black (832106)
Author's Summary: Sevitus. The summer before Harry's Sixth Year will be a portent of the chaos to come as the war against Voldemort continues. Eventual HG and SSOC
***Burnt Down to the Soul by Elsa2 (358037)
Author's Summary: COMPLETE Harry catches Snape. Or Snape catches Harry. Dumbledore’s final secret is revealed when the storm breaks ... and I bet it's not the secret you think. Warning: major HBP spoilers. Rated for violence and some language.
***Bringer Of Death by P.L.S ()
Author's Summary: Harry Potter didn’t have the killing curse turned on him, nor did Neville Longbottom. So Dumbledore takes the one who no one is likely to miss at the age of ten and creates the weapon that the Dark Lord will be vanquished by.
Broken Wheels and Mended Fences by ReadingIsMylife (827308)
Author's Summary: AUNonmagic Severus Snape is a well respected herbalist. Harry Potter is an abused, handicapped orphan. What happens when Severus opens his home to Harry? Not slash.
Needs more written.
Author's Summary:
By Word of Mouth by jona (52074) from your site has changed name on FF.NET. It's now : http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1092580/1/
Can This Be? by VickiWeasley (890735)
Author's Summary: Harry finds out he has a father that is still alive. will this new dadeo take him on as a responsibility? based in 6th year no hbp R & R
*Candidus by kuraokamiko (114850)
Author's Summary: On that fateful night of Halloween, 1981, James Potter wasn't there during the attack on his home. It is the first year for the Boy-Who-Lived to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and mysteries await to be unvealed... bad summary.
*Change of an Icy Heart by Fallen Shadowed Angel (770658)
Fanfiction.Net - Dreamers
Author's Summary: When Dumbledore suspects something odd going on at Number Four, he sends his resident spy to investiagte. What Severus finds will not only shock the coldhearted PotionsMaster, but revelations that follow will rock the WizardingWorld. AU!DursleyAbuse!WIP!
Stephanie says: Sevitus Dursab Baby
Circumstance by Miss Laine (571623)
Author's Summary: A dire situation, a few words exchanged, and the tables are turned. All are victims of circumstance, except, perhaps, for the boy and the Potions Master. T for...well, I'm not sure.
Closing the Door by sarini (808882)
Author's Summary: Sequel to 'Finding the Key'. I think Black is still alive. Severus thought he might forever regret those words. The wizarding world is in trouble again, only now Harry can't save them. SLASH HPCW SS?
Closure by Phantomsgirl04 (920768)
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: Harry Potter has defeated the darkest wizard of his generation and is now free to live his life as he chooses. How does the reading of a will change that? Summary Inside. HBP compliant SPOILERS FOR BOOK SIX!
*Conniptions by Escaping Artists ()
Author's Summary: PostOOTP Harry is slowly going insane, with the loss of Sirius, Ron's betrayl, and Hermione's murder, can anyone pull Harry from his deep seated dispare or will this sickness comsume him. nonSlash
Consciousness by Bluethought ()
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: Sometimes, even in the lightest hour, dark thoughts are always there to invade your mind. *Not happy, gets better. Some swear words.
Consequences by Marietsy (596591)
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: Revised and reposted August 02, 2005. Complete. Harry was convicted of killing Ron and Hermione. He is finally released after his innocence was proven. Harry has decided that he can no longer stand the hypocrisy of the Wizarding World and deci
Convergence by Llassah (824200)
Author's Summary: As the Saviour of the Wizarding world is destroyed, one man tries to save both him and the future. And this time, he isn't playing by the rules...
*Crimson Emeralds by The Velvet Ghost (375312)
Author's Summary: Every question has an answer, and Harry is about to uncover some answers that he never asked for. As old memories are stirred, he will be forced to take a step back and consider the very meaning of loyalty and trust. Spoilers for HBP, now complete.
*Cruel Summer by leggylover03 ()
Author's Summary: What destiny will fate bestow on two unlikely people? Will Severus and Harry come out of this changed, or continue their hatred to each other.
***Dark Influences by LAXgirl (129200)
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: SEQUEL TO KEPT BEHIND Harry might have survived his ordeal as a disembodied spirit, but when the Order is jeopardized by one of its own, Harry must risk everything to save the one that once saved him... even if that person is Snape
***Darkest Before The Dawn by Mystic Dragonsfire (92102)
Author's Summary: Harry getts kidnapped and the most unlikely person comes to his Aid as he is being torured by Voldie. during his rescue he learns something inersting about his least favorite professor. I know I should be working on "Learning As We Go." BUt I have writers
Darkly Treacherous by xxlostdreamerx ()
Author's Summary: AU: What if Harry grew up neglected by his parents? What if he had been kidnaped by Voldemort and raised as his dark heir? Read and find out!
*Death, Love, and Triumph by Lady Rachel Julie Snape (583353)
Author's Summary: SEVERITUS!COMPLETE! Harry is getting badly abused.Snape is a vampire and saves Harry. Secrets are revealed and lives are changed forever.PlsR&R.Chp20 up!
Deception In Its Deepest by ethereal_glow ()
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: Post HBP. He tricked the Dark Lord, all of his followers, and all of the Order into thinking he was the most devoted Death Eater alive. But his plan went deeper than that. It was by far the biggest, most twisted, not to mention all together dangerous, scheme he had ever put into practice. Not slash.
Decieved Soul by MajinSakuko ()
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: Light vs. Dark. Good vs. Evil. Deceiving vs. Cunning. Who shall be victorious in this dangerous little game of power?
Denial by schtroumph_c ()
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: He didn't care about him anyway.
Deprived of Hope by Firestar ()
Author's Summary: When all the pressure becomes too much, what will happen to young Harry?
*Did Nothing by Miss Laine (571623)
Author's Summary: In the end, Snape did nothing. A witness, only, to the words of a young hero.
*Dizzy Up the Boy by ghellie (746066)
Author's Summary: Harry's summer was not what anyone expected, and the following year his toughest yet, for now there is another Darkness. Anorexia, Aussie!Sev possible slash
Dreamless by QueenStrata (172276)
Author's Summary: “The war had gone on, it seemed, for eternity. It had been two years.” No slash.
***Duel by Jocelyn (169252)
Author's Summary: A one shot, prequel to Dumbledore's Men. Not all hate is based upon ignorance. Sometimes it is based upon the deepest understanding. HPB SPOILERS!
Sequel: Dumbledore's Men
***Dumbledore's Man by Bil ()
Author's Summary: Post-HBP. Harry runs into Snape. They manage to communicate for once.
*Dumbledore's Man by duj (257907)
Author's Summary: HBP spoilers, Character death. Harry stood up slowly, shaking off the ashes of a dead dark lord... A few feet away a long blackclad body lay prone where it had fallen after shielding him from an organripping curse...
***Dumbledore's Men by Jocelyn (169252)
Author's Summary: Sequel to Duel. After the war, the two men most loyal to Dumbledore flee wizarding Britain, hating each other for the role each played in the death of the man they both loved. Ch.2: Refuge: Snape and Harry try to escape the demons of their past.
*Dunno any suggestions? by LdyKiya ()
Author's Summary: I'm going with PG for language and other stuff. This is a Severus Snape is Harry's Father story. It is slash: SSJP, SBRL, AU and OcC. By the way this story is soooo Un'Beta'd. If you interested in helping with that let me know
*Ensnaring Insanity by Howl ()
Author's Summary: They become, to the mildest degree, insane. Harry is captured by 'The Dark Lord'. He listens for the Grim Reaper's light footsteps, he thrives in deadly secrets, and he 'ensnares the senses'...all to survive...if he can...
***Eye of the Storm by DataKenobi05 (366188)
Author's Summary: Harry finds himself with the Order after his first year at Hogwarts, the rest of the summer he stays with his temperary legal guardian... Severus Snape. (Snape slightly OOC) There is a reason Lupin is not himself. Not Slash. [first story in 'The Storm' s
Fallen by LRGator (480996)
Author's Summary: A twist and combination on the Marriage Law and Severitus Challenges. Rated R for future sex scenes.-COMPLETE!
Family by LRGator (480996)
Author's Summary: A twist and combination on the Marriage Law and Severitus Challenges. Rated R for future sex scenes.-COMPLETE!
Father Figure by Trinka (451308)
Author's Summary: Set after the fifth book. Can Snape and Harry get over their emnity towards each other and actually find a mutual respect? Update again...so soon. Yay!
***Fathers and Sons by Eleonora1 (419264)
Author's Summary: A more traditional attempt at the Severitus challenge. On his 16th birthday, Harry receives an owl from the past - from Remus Lupin, sent 15 years ago. He discovers something startling about himself that will change many people's lives. SLASH RLSS
Finally Safe by Blu Talisman (685915)
Author's Summary: Harry was sorted into Slytherin. He then meets his father...just not how you would expect Hopefully slightly original.
Finding a Father by LilPadfoot ()
Author's Summary:
***Finding Each Other by Black Perla (747322)
Author's Summary: Harry Potter is in his own way a normal teen. As normal as a Potter can be. However, soon, his world will be turned upside down by none other than Severus Snape. Set in sixth year. Sort of Severitus' challenge.
*Finding the Key by sarini (808882)
Author's Summary: Sequel to Unlocking Harry Potter. No HBP. Severus Snape is no longer a spy and has officially acknowledged Harry Potter as his son. Just when it looks like things are getting better for Harry..... SLASH HPCW
*Finding the Truth by MMalfoy ()
Author's Summary: (Severitus Challenge)---Harry id dealing with Sirius' death and the prophecy, but what happens when a new problem comes into the mix
***Folly by Bored Beyond Belief (206866)
Author's Summary: Severus Snape POV of who Harry Potter has become Post OotP - Cookie
*For The Dead Travel Fast by Emma Lipardi (688643)
Author's Summary: Harry is helped by the most unlikely person possible, Severus Snape. And along the way, meets a force that even Voldemort can fear. But will Harry survive the ordeal? Does Contain HBP Spoilers Coop: Emma Lipardi & Keres Weiland
*For the Better by Maikafuiniel (277710)
Author's Summary: Harry is reaching his sixth year, and knows that Voldemort has to be destroyed- and soon. But does he have the time, the energy, or the will to deal with him when his own life is so mixed up? Severitus Challenge
For the Love of Harry by jahacopo2221 (878486)
Author's Summary: Takes place starting the summer after Harry's fifth year. Albus Dumbldore reveals some interesting information. A Severitusstyle fic. Warning: Includes abuse, both implied and written
*Forged Within the Flame by McRaider ()
Author's Summary: (COMPLETE) A Severitus Challenge. Harry and his friends return to Hogwarts for their fifth year but this year things will change. Form Pen name was Smallone 86-perment pen name is to be Steffi Snape
Forsaken by Samantha-Ives (860250)
Author's Summary: 7th year, postHBP: In a world clouded by fear, everyone is relying on a boy wizard to defeat the personification of evil. But who is left for Harry to rely on? Who can he trust with his life?
Getting to Know you by Rosalia (888461)
Author's Summary: Harry wants to know why Snape hates him so much. So why not look in his memories?
Glassy Green Eyes by FoxyWolf13 (666029)
Author's Summary: The final battle rids Voldemort of the world, but leaves Harry stripped of his eyesight. Dumbledore leaves it to Severus Snape to teach Harry how to get around without his sight. NO SLASH
*Going Home by Robbieoboe (184349)
Author's Summary: Harry discovers something he never knew about Severus and about himself. Reviews plz!!!!!!!!
Author's Summary: Post-war, with two most unlikely survivors. (Snape and Harry, non-slash)
Snape tortures Harry. Not HBP compliant. SS, HP, LV.
Complete - Fiction Rated: T - English - General/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1739 - Reviews: 35 - Updated: 2-26-06 - Published: 2-26-06
***Growing Up Snape by teacherbev (910815)
Author's Summary: AU Sequel to Snape's Invisible Friend. The continuing story of Shaun beginning directly after SIF, summer that Shaun turns 5. No SlashNo Mary Sues! Please R&R
***H is for Harry by Kateri1 ()
Author's Summary: AU, Snape discovers something about the Boy-Who-Lived that he can’t ignore or pretend doesn’t exist.
*Had I Known by kayly silverstorm (291348)
Author's Summary: After killing Voldemort during seventh year, Harry vanished without a trace. But now, 8 years later, a deadly secret forces him to return and it seems that only Snape will be able to save him. SSHP, no slash
Harry Lives! by teachersnape64 (894885)
Author's Summary: Sequel to Harry's Last Hope. Snape and Harry face new adventures as father & son. Sirius comes back & he's not happy!Draco is on the run from danger & needs Harry's help! Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Quidditch.Not quite a Severitus
Prequel: Harry's Last Hope
Deaged fic.
Harry Potter and the Black Cat Crossing by Circe Visigoth (587807)
Author's Summary: (Severitus)After the death of Sirius, Harry tries to cope; but the meeting with Kat becomes a catalyst, and suddenly other things come to light; Harry is a vampire, Snape is his father, and is Sirius really dead? Rated PG-13 for language and abuse
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer by Ash9 (299855)
Fanfiction.Net - LJ
Author's Summary: Post-OOTP (COMPLETE) Danger creeps around Privet Drive as Voldemort abandons his one-attempt-per-year plan. He's going in for the kill.
READ. Might not be Snape and Harry.
*Harry Potter and the Cave of Revelation by Aeowin ()
Author's Summary: (OotP Spoilers)Chapter 9 posted! James tries to explain his actions reguarding that fateful night. This is officially now a Severitus Challange fic! RR
***Harry Potter and the Dagger of Power by pmabry7 (681890)
Author's Summary: (Severitus Challenge fic) Harry and Severus find out they are father and son. A new teacher and her 16 year old daughter come to Hogwarts both of whom are very secretive about their past. Voldemort tries to kill Harry...again
Seph says: PicSevitus PicDursAb 4frogs
Harry Potter and the Dark Fortress by Miss Laine (571623)
Author's Summary: Harry's sixth year is a little less fun and a lot more dangerous. Harry's rescued from the Dursleys finally, and now he's dealing with Occlumency lessons, visions, and a strange fortress...
***Harry Potter and the Guardians of Power by teacherbev (910815)
Author's Summary: After being captured by Voldemort, Snape and Harry escape to... AUMid 5th Year. Spoilers for the first 5 books, NO HBP Spoilers, NO Slash, No Mary Sues. Snape mentors Harry, new powers, new relationships. Ch. 5 Revised, please reread!
Harry Potter and the heirs of the four founders by Jessyka (322286)
Author's Summary: Harry is banished and Snape is fired. Till their names are cleared they leave england and become father and son and back to teacher and student at a different school. Not to metion Harry finding out things he never new. R/R please.
***Harry Potter and The Horcruxes by A.N.L (396561)
Author's Summary: Harry Potter is looking for the four other horcruxes. Snape is sent by Voldemort to find the locket. These two will end up having to put their differences aside to defeat Voldemort once and for all. Spoliers for HBP
Harry Potter and the Masks of the Death Eaters by AthenaSnape (567913)
Author's Summary: Harry Potter deals with his role in the war against Voldemort. The new DADA professor helps Harry understand the adults in his life, especially Snape. More fun with occulmency training, and special surprises. Chapter 19 up and ready! 11-18 are edited.
Harry Potter and the Pai Escondido by The Phantom Cornet Player (327135)
Author's Summary: SEVERITUS CHALLENGE. Harry discovers he is Snapes son, but how long will it be before Voldemort finds out? AU Fifth year.
***Harry Potter and the Pillar of Storge by Mirriam Q Webster ()
Author's Summary: Sequel to Harry Potter and the Long Summer. School is back in session and it's another exciting year at Hogwarts, but questions abound. Will Harry and Severus be able to continue to get along? And more pressingly, what is Malfoy up to?
***Harry Potter and the Potion of Fernifendice by TheSerpentAndTheLion (537005)
Author's Summary: Year Six. NEWT classes, Occlumency, and the impending war are backdrop: Harry's acting strange, can he overcome his guilt and play the hero as only he can? Will he enlist the help of the only one who save him- The one he swore he'd never forgive?
*Harry Potter and the Prophesied End by SeverusSnapePotion (867965)
Author's Summary: Harry is visited by the one person he wants to see least and it is he that will assist him in his hunt for the Horcruxes and finally the hunt for Voldemort himself which ultimately will bring... the prophesied end!
*Harry Potter & the Severus Snape Parody by Fangalla Marie (620603)
Author's Summary: Severitus Challenge - After reading so many stories about where Severus Snape is somehow Harry’s father, I have decided to write a parody about them. Complete.
***Harry Potter and the Storms of Desiderium by juliedecarson ()
Author's Summary: When the storms of life threaten to blow Harry away, who will save him from the ravaging wind? His saviors will be his family, but you might be surprised at the people that word refers to. Expect lots of Weasleys, Dumbledore, Lupin, and Snape.
***Harry's Last Hope by teachersnape64 (894885)
Author's Summary: Harry returns to the Dursleys and Vernon begins the abuse. Severus Snape saves him and adopts him and discovers something in his past that puts Harry in 'mortal peril'. Harry is quite popular. Not a Severitus but a twist on the idea. You will get hooked!
43. Hatred is Harder to Bear by Wujjawoo reviews
Harry had never thought there might come a day when he would envy Draco Malfoy, but that day had finally arrived, and he had never felt worse. Nor had he thought the day would come when it hurt to be rejected by Severus Snape, but that day too, was here.
Fiction Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Tragedy - Chapters: 10 - Words: 30391 - Reviews: 177 - Updated: 8-8-06 - Published: 3-19-06
*Innocence Lost by CBeMe (363693)
Author's Summary: Years ago a child was born. As the second son, the destiny he desired was denied him. Join Harry in a fight for the future of the wizarding world in which Voldemort is only one of the dangers. Manipulative Dumbledore, brother Snape, powerful Harry.
*Innovo Adorior:A New Rise by Dark Catalyst (678776)
Author's Summary: Harry finds out he is not as parentless as he thought. And what does the snarky Potions Master have to do with it? will anything change? Whats going to happen now? sorry still suck at summaries and this is my 1st story. be kind please. Ch. 7 up!
*Is He My Father? by marietsy ()
Author's Summary: Oneshot drabble. It's a spoof, a parody and a satire. It makes fun of all the Severitus stories out there.
***It Had to Happen in Snape's Class by nerd2006 (724225)
Author's Summary: Set in Harry's sixth year. AU. Voldemort decides to visit Harry in the middle of Potions. What will Snape's reaction be? A short Snape mentors Harry fic.
50. It Starts as a Summer by breannatala reviews
A Snape adopts Harry fic. A 12 year old Harry is abandoned when the Dursleys go on a vacation and Snape is persuaded to let Harry stay at his home. From there, everything slowly changes. IN PROGRESS. . . CHAPTER 16 UP!
Fiction Rated: T - English - General/Angst - Chapters: 16 - Words: 49658 - Reviews: 421 - Updated: 9-20-06 - Published: 2-4-06
It's Mutual 1 by breannatala reviews
Severitus Challege. It's the summer after 5th year, and Harry finds out something about his parents on his 16th birthday: Snape is his biologicial father! Will they EVER have a father son relationship? Now Completed! sequel: It's Mutual 2
Complete - Fiction Rated: T - English - General/Angst - Chapters: 22 - Words: 76176 - Reviews: 329 - Updated: 6-12-06 - Published: 1-20-06
Jack Fell Down by coldfiredragon (404201)
Author's Summary: Azkaban makes one think of odd things, like old muggle nursery rhymths. The place can also make one insane, unless one has friends to back him up that is. Harry, Severus, and Draco were thrown in to Azkaban for a crime they didn't commit. What will hap
Jamie Snape and the Chamber of Secrets by Original Dark Angel (1036575)
Author's Summary: AU CoS. Dobby never stopped the mail and as a result, Severus Snape has to rescue our hero from Privet Drive. The only way to keep him safe requires an Unusual Adoption. Abuse via Dursleys
***Judgement by unlikely2(681677)
Author's Summary: Judge not lest ye be judged. Harry Potter has made a very bad mistake. Spoilers HBP, character death and feathers. Some 'Dogma' contamination.
Author's Summary: Harry just wants to be a normal teenager, but it seems he can't even die normally. So what's a 15 year old wizard to do when he suddenly finds himself as an incoporeal spirit no one else can see or hear except his least favorite Potions Master? COMPLETE!
Killing Dreams by Kitera-Matar (322692)
Author's Summary: I watch as people I care about, as people who meant the world to me, die. I watch as their life drains way – by MY hands. Snape and Harry reach some common ground... continuing this, HP and SS will be friends may or may not lead to slash. we'll see wh
***Knew Father by ImperialJedi ()
Author's Summary: Sevitus! Harry knew. He had known since he was 10 that Snape is his real father. Too bad Snape's a git and it's taken him until Harry's 6th year for him to see that Harry's a natural Occlumens.
***Lack of Faith by marietsy ()
Author's Summary: WIPAU Harry was framed and sent to Azkaban. His friends and the Wizarding World have turned their backs. 5 years later he has escaped. With the help of Snape, Harry looks for proof of his innocence. Will he find it in time and will he find forgiveness for
Last Will and Testament by mah-angel-frum-heaven (549186)
Author's Summary: finally won. Snape comes to retrieve Harry after he misses the Hogwarts Express. What he discovers is what he least expected to find. Chapter 1-Death chapter2-alive!
Uh.. yeah… it has a happy ending though not sure if it’s finished.
Author's Summary: A vignette about a meeting of the worlds during Harry's summer holidays.
***Let me die on my own terms by Cruel Reality ()
Author's Summary: Severus is Harry’s real father, after spending only four years at the Dursley’s he is sent to live with his father, that is after every one finds out just how he was treated there. (I'm really bad at summerys!)
*Levels of Stupidity by duj (257907)
Author's Summary: One-shot. A Snape-eye view of Harry's Sorting and first Potions lesson.
***LG Fuad by Widow Black (527388)
Author's Summary: Severitus. Harry wants his scar to be gone, and a reason to contuine to live. Oneshot angsty L.G. Fuad by Motion City Soundtrack, NOT L.G. Fraud. Read and Review please!
***Life is a Matter of Living by Nenya Entwhistle ()
Author's Summary: (oneshot) Before "And So Life Goes On", Harry fell into a deep depression because the one person who understood him and who loved him unconditionally was taken from him. Without Remus, Harry no longer has a reason to live until Severus offers one.
*Lily's Prophecy by ShadowedHand ()
Author's Summary: There was a prophecy that changed the course of Harry's life, beginning with the death of his parents. It haunts him and drives him. What he didn't know, was there was another prophecy and life was about to get even stranger. SEVERITUS
Live And Let Die by DescendingAngel (233844)
Author's Summary: Set after book 5, focusing on Snape, written from his point of view mostly; also starring Harry, Lupin, McGonagall and more or less everyone else.
GOOD. Read. EMAIL AN INVITATION, check to see if on c2.
Losing time by GonnaBeFamous (622500)
Author's Summary: How do the trio and draco's lives change when a new chain of events takes place and a mysterious girl shows up at hogwarts? and what dark secret is snape harboring?similar to severitus challenge, Romance involved
*Losing time revised by GonnaBeFamous ()
Author's Summary: 6th year, similar to severitus challenge: Great for draco and severus fans, RR! (romance, snape benelovance, action, Character death, ect...)not slash
Lost by Danae3 (237975)
Author's Summary: Year 5- AU CompleteHarry is missing. Ron and Hermione are dealing. Snape thinks the Dursleys know more than they let on. What happens when Harry is found? WARNING: CHARACTER DEATH
*Lost Battle by Edely (666473)
Author's Summary: Post HBP oneshot. What would happen if Harry decided to take his revenge on Snape? How would he do it? That remains to be seen...
***Lucky Boy by Corbin Slate ()
Author's Summary: Snape goes to the Dursley's to check on a young Potter. He's five years old in this story, hehe!. What he finds is something that even he can't ignore.
Lying in Wait by Robbieoboe (184349)
Author's Summary: As Harry's sixth year begins, he has to deal with all new problems including Animagus lessons from the teacher he hates the most, more Occlumency lessons, and of course, Voldemort trying to kill him and unfortunately those he knows...RR!
Magic's Changes by cherrity (237522)
Author's Summary: AU! Harry and the gang are growing up. With the return of the Dark Lord many secrets are coming out in the open. NO HBP! Severitus Challenge, power surges, and Dudley!
Manners by AllisonSlytherin (929519)
Author's Summary: Harry is found abandoned at the train station, he is taken in by his most hated professor over the summer. no slash. Chapter 4 finally up!
Masquerade by Phantomsgirl04 (920768)
Author's Summary: At a celebratory Halloween ball, unlikely companions discover more in common than just the battle scars…this is AU. HBP ignored Oneshot for Halloween.
***Memories Returned by lillyseyes ()
Author's Summary: The summer after the Deparment of Mysteries battle is a hard one for Harry, with many surprises for he and his friends - my try at Severitus -
Author's Summary: As an adult, Harry reflects on the summer of his sixteenth birthday and how his world turned on end. Between the Prophecy, his impending doom, a mysterious ailment, and Snape's dubious assignment as his mentor, it is a wonder he made it out of Hogwarts.
*Midnight by the Sea by WhiteWolf CS ()
Author's Summary: Sevitus Not Severitus. It's Harry's birthday. His father has a surprise for him.
***Mind Games by Siripiritus ()
Author's Summary: Harry Potter is in a coma due to an "accident" in Potions. He finds that no one can see or hear him when he awakes. Is he dead? Not sure, but he can posses people. Watch out Snape.
Moving on With Life by Zerda Kit (886153)
Author's Summary: Voldemort is gone, but life is still not easy. In some ways it is worse. Post HBP
Prolouge: Harry waiting as Snape is on trial...
*My Father the Greasy Git by youhavebeenchosen ()
Author's Summary: Response to Severitus' challenge: Snape is Harry's father, how will Harry take the news? Will he survive having to live with Snape for the summer holidays?
my life by DebsTheSnapeFanNow (658882)
Author's Summary: is back! Au the Potters had twins, James Jr defeated Voldermort or didint he, harry is thought a squib but is he? abused and abandoned harry wishes to be away, finally his wish is answered who will save him from his private hell? R&R i lost them all when
***Near As Your Next Breath by Sentimental Star ()
Author's Summary: The summer before Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts: things that had once been hidden are found, and things he had never believed possible occur. And to think, all of this because of a simple apology he never expected a response to [Non-slash]..
Never New Days by Qest (416908)
Author's Summary: What happens when you really don't want to do homework? Well... this, I guess. Kinda Severitusy. Lesser evils. Prologue Bribe the Kings. It'll get darker, after the first chapter. I wrote all eleven pages in one sitting. Yeah.
*Never Ordinary by killerpenguins ()
Author's Summary: Next chapter's up, and it'll be the last one for a couple weeks! Chapter 5: The Wrong Things Said. Not quite the right thing to say, eh Professor? Shut it Potter...
Author's Summary: Answers-War is peace, war is chaos, war is logic, war is illogic. "What is war" A question that bothers Harry more then Voldemort. When he gets his answer, from the most unexpected person, will he be satisfied?
118. No Inhibitions by Wench of Hogsmead reviews
Harry drinks a potion that strips him of all reserve. Now he and Prof. Snape must deal with the consequences. No Slash. Cutting.
Fiction Rated: M - English - Angst/General - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3191 - Reviews: 56 - Updated: 7-10-05 - Published: 7-1-05
No Need for Salvation by Shadow Fiend (352433)
T - FIN 3 chapt Dec05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Having disappeared from his relatives house at the age of four, Harry Potter has become an unknown quantity to a desolate Wizarding public caught in the throes of war. Kidnapped from his new home at an elite school, Harry reappears at Hogwarts thirteen
Nobody Wins by blah44 (952157)
T - FIN 2 chapt Dec05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Um.... This is my first Harry Potter fic! Harry is being abused at the Dursley's. Someone comes to save him, but who? And why are they so special..... i really suck a summaries so just read on to find out what happens!
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: One-Shot, Harry saw something much different in Severus's pensive that night of Occlumency Lessons. SOmething MUCH different. Severus Snape's REAL worst memory.
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Snape's view of Harry's Occlumency lessons. I know it's been done before, but it hadn't when I started writing this in 2003!
*Of Betterment by Yasona Black (624275)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry talks to Snape about his faults. Nonslash, slight HBP spoilers
Of Ordinary Wizards by Delaine (857616)
T - WIP 30 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: This story takes place after HBP and is an exploration of why Dumbledore and Snape made the choices they did. It also examines what this means for Harry's future. Major HBP spoilers ahead.
***Of Princes and Knights by Huldra (692231)
M - WIP 1 chapt Oct05 ![]()
Author's Summary: It begins a day late in summer, Harry has been hit by a cold that just wont leave and Severus struggles to keep both his masters sattesfied. But soon they will both be faced with something neither of them had expected, namely a Severitus Challenge.
***Of Something New by ErrorInTheProgram ()
K+ - WIP 3 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry discovers that his father was not James Potter . . . and that Harry's true father may not even be human. This Severitus Challenge will draw Harry into the very strange and secret life of Severus Snape.
Once in a Lifetime by Sorelina (341194)
K+ - WIP 1 chapt Nov05 ![]()
Author's Summary: AU to HBP. Severus Snape has never been nice. When Harry Potter is in need of nice and caring people and the Potions Master is the only one available, things can get rather strange. SSHP friendshipmentorship.
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry has to go back to Occlumency Lessons with Snape. Is it truly a waste of time? How will this change the relationship between Teacher and Student?
Pain by Bluethought (603743)
T - FIN 1 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry's suffering, and he needs something to quell the pain. But the only person who's got the painkiller doesn't exactly want to give it to him... one or two HBP spoilers. HarrySnape non slash. Set during November of sixth book. A little AU.
Painless by AirElemental101 (331839)
T - FIN 1 chapt Dec05 ![]()
Author's Summary: A short ficlet on Harry's suicide. Very short, but I think well written. Rated T just to be sure, though there is nothing explicit. Would like reviews on the writing style.
***Papa's Little Mocking Bird by MirrorWakes (414100)
T - WIP 5 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: First Ebon was dumped on an orphanage doorstep when he was barely one. Then he escaped from this private hell only to find himself living off the streets. Now, just when he’d thought himself sorted, along comes Severus Snape to turn his world upside down.
A repost with different title.
*Paradise Found by Soul-dust ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: The Last War comes. What is the Prophecy of Darcorn? Is the Dark side really so entrancing? The Abyss so luring? If one falls, there will be no returning. Will HE fall? Please R&R! I'm no good at summaries! (no slash)
*Part of the Plan by Chibi Hikari No Yume (503194)
K+ - FIN 10 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Severus has some secrets that he doesn't want people to remember. One has some thing to do with Lily Evans but what is it? And what does Harry have to do with it?
Part the Third by uchethegirl (866704)
M - FIN 2 chapt Nov05 ![]()
Author's Summary: The arrival of Tobias Snape at Hogwarts causes a mindboggling amount of trouble, most of it for Tobias himself, who is not all that he seems. Third installment in the Tobias Snape Saga. WIP.
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: After OoTP, Severitus. Sent a package from the past Snape finds that he has a son, who unfortunatly is being abused without anyone knowing
Past the Scar by Mione5 (363725)
M - FIN 15 chapt Nov04 ![]()
Author's Summary: COMPLETE Harry's shoulders are only so broad, so what happens when it all becomes too much. He just wants to be normal. He wants to find someone who can see past the scar. But who really can?
Peace of my Mind by Laume (871958)
T - WIP 5 chapt Oct05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Snape is in Azkaban, trying not to loose his mind. Harry is trying to prove his innocence. Dumbledore tries to get a grip. The author tries to write a decent story. Who will succeed?
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Severus Snape is given a chance to prove something to both his masters. However, fate deals him a hand that lands him between a rock and a hard place. Through the Boy-Who-Lived, Severus sees himself in him – tortured and abused… Complications ensues as
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: When Hagrid dropped Harry off after getting his supplies for first year, things went slightly different. Beaten and not looking at all like himself Harry ends up at Hogwarts. HPSS mentor relationship Mentions of Harry abuse
Perlucidus by Zephyr5 (276435)
K - FIN 1 chapt Oct05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry is a changed young man, what does that mean for the future of the wizarding world? One shot, don't read if you like your conclusions spoonfed to you.
Phoenix Child by hpfan12342004 (790068)
K+ - FIN 3 chapt Oct05 ![]()
Author's Summary: What would Harry Potter be like if he was rescued from his relatives at the age of 5? And what happens when our adorable young hero attaches himself to one Severus Snape? More than one life is liable to change. The power of the phoenix child knows no b
Phoenix Tears, Ashes, Blood by LadySilvrene (529328)
T - WIP 5 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: The love between father and son is immeasurable- but to question that love takes deep deception, especially when you have used Phoenix Tears, Ashes, and Blood to save them. Slash themes, an answer to the Severitus Challenge.
*Phoenix's Order by BC (678287)
T - FIN 4 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: SEVERITUS! Post HBP! How can Harry defeat Voldemort if he had no chance against Snape? How does he deal with Fawkes?
*Potter's Boy by BlueBlazeGirasol (671640)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Do you ever wonder why Snape really hates Harry? Well here is the real reason. This is my first fic,flames welcome
Power the Dark lord Knows not by Possum132 (862385)
M - WIP 3 chapt Oct05 ![]()
Author's Summary: HBP spoilers. Harry and Snape confront each other in the kitchen at 12 Grimmauld Place, Moody plays chaperone. Follow up to Well done, Draco, well done and the last of a six part series.
Prequels: Why Snape never eats here, Malice in his voice, Threesome at Spinner's End, Dumbledore was pretty firm with him, Well done, Draco, well done
*Professor Snape's Story by Estiu ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Snape’s past is revealed. Harry needs to trust people he dislikes. Open questions of five years are addressed. The matters of friendship and trust are major issues. Likely to be AU really soon – READ IT NOW! Character death, all sorts of spoilers.
*Quickening by Llassah (824200)
M - WIP 2 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: “You two are going to work together. As a team. If you don’t, all will be lost. Any fighting will count for nothing, if you two are divided.” Dumbledore's portrait has a request for Harry.
*Random Ficlet 4 by Anellemnic (588402)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Missing scene from book 5. Harry never got any scars from his detentions. Not even mildly slashy, HP, SS.
*Rebirth by Go You Big Red Fire Engine ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Voldemort discovers a spy in his ranks prior to Halloween 1981 and deals with him accordingly, handing the traitor over to his most trusted Death Eater for execution. However, this does not go exactly to plan and the deserter end up a 6-month-old baby on
Redemption by Munku-JGSPTV (147494)
T - FIN 2 chapt Dec05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry Potter and Severus Snape find themselves locked in a room together for an extended period of time. A strange, twisted relationship ensues.
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Severus Snape is studying muggle medicine in hope to gain information, which will help him improve his own healing potions. He find’s the strangest boy while visiting a muggle doctor. The boy seems so familiar, but from where does he recognise him?
Respond by Amy2k (214494)
T - WIP 2 chapt Apr05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Severus Snape is studying muggle medicine in hope to gain information, which will help him improve his own healing potions. He find’s the strangest boy while visiting a muggle doctor. The boy seems so familiar, but from where does he recognise him?
Revalations by RhiannonSnape (538429)
K+ - WIP 22 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: The Order checks up on Harry after not hearing from him for 5 days. He ends up staying with his most hated professor for the rest of the summer. Sorry i suck at summary's and i know it's been done but give it a try. NON-SLASH Spoilers for all 5 books
***Revenge is sweet by BC (678287)
T - FIN 12 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: COMPLETE! Hermione was kidnapped to bait Harry out, although maybe this time Voldemort actually bit off a bit more than he can chew. Harry namely brought backup – his Potion Master, who would give almost anything to be somewhere else. Cynicism dripping of
Revisit by iamgoose (507031)
T - WIP 11 chapt Oct04 ![]()
Author's Summary: Meet Harry Potter, two years after he's graduated from Hogwarts. He's living in Snape Manor, no longer talks to any Weasley but Ginny, and Draco is one of his closest friends. Why? COMPLETE! But wait! Here's the missing chapter, just for fun.
Complete… Sevitus?
***Revolution by GreenGecko (562135)
T - FIN 1 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Sequel to Resonance. Harry continues his Auror training and begins a journey of mastering his unusual and growing powers. Harry, with the help of his adoptive father, is finally making his own way, but fate and prophecy are never completely absent.
Prequel: Resonance
55. River of Dreams by Tajjas reviews
At the start of the first school year after Voldemort's return, Severus Snape finds something unexpected when he's roaming the halls after curfew.
Fiction Rated: K - English - General/Action/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 64862 - Reviews: 360 - Updated: 6-1-06 - Published: 1-31-06Rowena's Medal by vanityfair (697011)
T - WIP 3 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: With Hermione and Ron at his side, Harry has found the next Horcrux, but soon discovers he has no idea how to destroy it. He will have to convince the one man he can't trust to help him.
Might be Severus/Hermione fic.
***Rude Awakenings by BriMcPoopers (629383)
T - FIN 8 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Severitus.It's the summer of Harry's sixth year and he is dealing with the grief of losing his godfather and the shock of learning that his father isn't who he thought it to be for the last 15 years.What happens when he comes up with a plan to save Sirius
*Running's Not the Same for Everyone by staporize ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Four years after defeating Voldemort, Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts. In a cruel twist of fate, it falls to Severus Snape to unravel the mysterious circumstances surrounding the Boy-Who-Lived. Snape's POV. Eventual friendship, not slash.
*Sanctuary by Perse (655730)
T - FIN 1 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry is adjusting to his new situation with Snape, but a death at Hogwarts soon complicates everything. Secrets breed ugly misunderstandings, and the past haunts the present. Sequel to Surreality.
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry is seriously ill and is taken care of by his potions professor. HarrySeverus fatherson relationship.
*Savior by Leandra Wynn (87738)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: PostOotP. War brings change as the past gives way to the present. Harry Potter and Severus Snape face battles both in the world around them and within themselves as these two opposing allies learn that perhaps their futures lay together.
Searching For Love by Serenity Cosmos Riddle (417360)
T - FIN 3 chapt Oct04 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived, wants nothing more then to die. When he is saved by none other then Severus Snape, will he take his second chance and live, or will he try once more to end it all? (May become Severitus)
Romance.. slash HP/LM? DM? 2.5-3 frogs. Harry lost memory.
*Secrets and Shadows by Tourmaline20 (558651)
T - FIN 4 chapt 05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry finds out a surprising truth about his family at the end of fifth year. Severitus warning for violence and child abuse. This story is now officially an AU
***Severus by Munku-JGSPTV (147494)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: HalfBlood Prince spoilers. Somewhat drabble about Harry being ready to face Voldemort, but finds Snape standing in his way. Set in seventh year, Complete.
*Severus Snape Did Not Like It at All by Laura of Maychoria ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Snape deals with being stuck in bloody North America with the incapacitated savior of the wizarding world. As he hates kittens and apple pie and everything, really, this is torture. AU, not slash, rather dark, some humor, implied abuse.
Shattered Mirror by Painful Memories (910156)
M - FIN 1 chapt Nov05 ![]()
Author's Summary: AU: A young Harry is abused by his uncle and is rescued by Severus Snape. Will Harry ever be able to overcome his past? Or will as he grows fall into darkness... Warnings Child Abuse.. Cutting.. Dark Harry fic... Snape fatherfigure
*Sixth Year: Battle of the Past by HisServ ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: This is an attempt at the Severitus Challenge. This is Harry's Sixth Year and along with battling Voldemort, he must come to terms with Snape being his father. Please read and review!
Sixth Year: The Year of Discoveries by HisServ (814934)
K+ - WIP 4 chapt Dec05 ![]()
Author's Summary: This is another attempt at a Severitus Challenge. This takes place BEFORE HBP. This is where Harry discovers that Severus Snape is his real father. Please read and review.
***Smited by Fate by leggylover03 ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Can one person and fate make the difference in Severus' life?
***Snake of the Vampires by Deirt ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry takes to wandering the Dark Forest in his sixth year and is captured by some humorus Vampires. No one knows where he went, except of course, Severus Snape. PLEASE RR NOT SLASH! COMPLETE AT LAAAST!
Solitary Confinement by GuTTerArT (1031543)
K+ - WIP 5 chapt Aug06 ![]()
Author's Summary: In an effort to make them get along, Dumbledore locks Snape and Harry in a classroom for 72 hours. How will they survive one another? AU. PreHBP. No Slash.
Spies, Wolves and Scars by Thirteen Ravens (448909)
K+ - FIN chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: A Vampire lurks in this shadowy post OOtP fic! Lupin is baffled when Snape is terrified by an April Fool's prank. Why should he get so upset, and why would he tease Harry about there being "something wrong with his blood?"
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: My hands are stained." On Harry's first day at Hogwarts, Snape ponders damnation and redemption.
117. Standing On The Edge by lumberjackwitch reviews
WIP: It's Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, and the past five years have affected him more than anyone thought. There's an unwelcome visitor lurking on the edge of Harry's sanity and he is no longer able to trust the people around him, save for one person..
Fiction Rated: M - English - Angst - Chapters: 20 - Words: 72042 - Reviews: 245 - Updated: 5-17-05 - Published: 7-19-04Star Crossed by Jinxeh (622990)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Dec05 ![]()
Author's Summary: While serving a detention in the dungeons one evening in his fifth year, Harry happens upon a photograph on the potion master’s desk. With the story that comes with this photo, Harry learns a new reason attesting to the bitterness of Severus Snape.
Suicide Solution by Kaiya Darkwolf (237460)
M - FIN 61 chapt Aug04 ![]()
Author's Summary: COMPLETE.Death, strong language, torture and general disturbing things.A Severitus challenge,A Dark Harry fic.During the summer something happens that changes the way Harry is, he loses friends but makes others, then soemthing drastic changes even that
***Summer of Secrets by Dianer84 (736381)
K+ - FIN 9 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Severitus Challenge, sort of. Can Harry and Snape learn to get along whith their secret hanging over their heads? Can they keep the secret from everyone, even Dumbledore?
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry begins to have vivid dreams-happy dreams, showing what his life might have been like with his parents. But Dumbledore and Snape think this is the Dark Lord’s doing, and that it needs to be undone. (Snape mentors Harry, non-slash) WIP-Chapter 10 up!
Tail Gnawing Serpent by MajinSakuko ()
T - FIN 9 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Complete! Harry's 6th year is coming up, Snape's forced to continue his Occlumency lessons and Voldemort has a plan. Sequel: Bad Boys
***The Absence of Unhappy by Gillian Middleton ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: This is a sequel to the two series, 'Mine' & 'Snape's Vocation' & the stand-alone story 'The Owl & The Puppy-dog'. Severus Snape gets a glimpse of another time and place.
*The Atrocity of Sunsets by TheHufflepunk ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: The mind is an amazing thing, for many reasons- not the least of which being its astounding defence mechanisms. Sometimes, one's mind can defend oneself from facing horrors you never knew existed. Harry experiences this first-hand. Response to a challe
*The Beginning of the End by Succinct Rambling ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Snape’s role in the war is discovered by Voldemort, and Harry is captured. A fair amount of violence, and a tiny bit of cursing.
The Birthday Present by excessivelyperky (314420)
M - WIP 56 chapt Oct06 ![]()
Author's Summary: A bit of calm before the storm. Snape tries to convince himself the Ministry will not act soon, but fails. Preparations must be made, even if in a blind panic. Snarling at a goblin would make anyone feel better, wouldn't it? Of course, it's all a false al
Read. LONG to get to the Snape and Harry parts.
*The Calling of the Dead by Belamancer (227223)
T - FIN 2 chapt Aug05 ![]()
Author's Summary: When Harry starts to hear voices even his friends think he's cracking up, but it's far worse than that...Set after HBP major spoilers and more interesting stuff to come. New chapter up! Huzzah!
*The Case of the Missing Candy Canes by Padawan Jan-AQ ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: For Potions and Snitches this holiday season. One-shot, completed. Harry is stuck at Hogwarts during the winter holidays and noticed that something has been missing. He decides to investigate.
The Dark Rises by DataKenobi05 (366188)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Oct05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Response to Challenge on the third floor corridor. The was has been fought.
The Death of the HalfBlood Prince by Quillian (692996)
M - FIN 1 chapt Aug05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Post HBP one shot! Harry hunts down the Half Blood Prince and fights him one last time...
*The End by West Dean (717254)
T - FIN 1 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Snape. Harry. Somewhere near the end of Book 7. Spoilers for HBP.Deathfic.
*The Fall of a Dark Lord and Troubles Anew by IceStar4621 ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry Potter is in isolation from the wizarding world when Dumbledore sends him a letter asking him for help with a very serious problem. Will Harry get thru this with his sanity intact? NOT SLASH
*The Father I Never Had by Soccer Sweetie (466189)
T - FIN 1 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: When Lily and James Potter died, Severus Snape took in Harold James Potter. The two have grown to love each other. Now, as Harry begins his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the two will learn what it's like to have some independen
The First Blood by RoibenRavus (928789)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Nov05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry makes his first conscious kill to save Ginny, but the mental affects have scarred him. This is how he reacts.
The Gift by Indarae (147685)
T - FIN 13 chapt May04 ![]()
Author's Summary: (Severitus’ Challenge) The death of Albus Dumbledore leaves a mountain of questions for the Light. Along with Luna, Ginny, Ron, and the unlikely help of a Slytherin, Harry learns that answers often bring hearbreak as the final conflict approaches.
*The Grace of a Demon by Anutheal ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry and Co. have to take Occlumency AND DADA lessons for there safety from SNAPE and the order no longer trusts Severus and find out about his very INTERESTING history.
The Greatest Gift by tigersmeleth (537371)
T - FIN 1 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: AU, SEVERITUS. Harry gives his father the greatest gift he can give to him
*The Last Alliance by siriusblkfan4lif ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry and his one of his least favorite people in the magical world finally come together before facing the worst. (ONE SHOT)
***The Last Command by Mimiheart (435989)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry gets a letter. Now he and Snape must learn to reconcile their differences in order to win the war. Snape mentors Harry POST HBP Spoilers for HBP inside.
*The Last Horcrux by Lady Jasmine Snape (857395)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Another theory of mine about the Horcruxes, in particular the Last Horcrux. MAJOR HBP SPOILERS, do not read unless you have read the book the whole way through. R&R. ONESHOT
*The life I used to have by scap3goat (676682)
T - WIP 13 chapt Jun05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry gets to know that he isn’t his father’s son and his life seems to be a lie.
***The Longest Year by antea-aevum (538163)
T - WIP 2 chapt Jan06 ![]()
Author's Summary: 15 y.o Harry Potter finds himself homeless and expelled when an attack by Vol. forces him to take drastic measures but Hogwarts remains his school and home as Harry takes his wandless magic under control, manages Dudley and eventually gets adopted. HPSS.
5 frogs if continued. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia are killed, and Harry and Dudley have to live with Snape.
*The Lost Cause by March Madness (223832)
K+ - FIN chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Karkaroff need a way to escape the Dark Lord's attention, and during the summer he finds it. Harry turns up missing just a month into the summer break, leaving a tormented Remus Lupin and moody Severus Snape to find him.
Maybe Gen. Unread.
The Love of a Father by hphead (878146)
K+ - WIP 3 chapt Jan06 ![]()
Author's Summary: A sort of response to the Severitus Challenge, I suppose. Snape is Harry's father. Please read and review, I'm a fairly new writer and I'd love to hear what you have to say! K rating for now, may change in the future though. Work in progress.
The Necessary Pains by Mi (347522)
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Author's Summary: Another short OotP interlude, or my attempt on making Umbridge pay for using that quill! Just imagine what would have happened if Snape had come across Harry's memories of his detentions during Occlumency lessons.
*The Night I Met You by The Velvet Ghost ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Part of the Phoenix's Flight series, this is an extract based on the very first time Severus and Harry ever met - the night that Lily and James were killed. Complete!
*THe Pan Reposted by SaintDymnpha ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: A drabble that I posted before, but have fleshed out a bit. just a bit. Mostly an exercise before I post a real story.A few shifts in viewpoints. One curse word. Reference to abuse. Snape meets the Dursleys, or at least their kitchen ware,
*The Secret by Tia Evans (572092)
T - FIN 35 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: NOW AU: COMPLETE! Another Severitus Challenge! Lily and James kept a secret from everyone about Harry. But what does one Severus Snape have to do with it? HPGW RWHG PROLOGUE AND CHAP. 1 REVISED!
the Secret of Slytherin by Kirinin (256843)
T - WIP 45 chapt Oct06 ![]()
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: Amidst misconceptions and reconciliation, the lines that separate the Wizarding World will be destroyed. Enemies will serve one another as friendships are tested and forged. But first, the Sorting Hat Who Will Not Sort has a message for Hogwarts...
*The Silver Horn by sarabeara725 (861486)
T - FIN 4 chapt Aug05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Post Ootp.Harry works toward defeating Voldemort.Snape and Harry find out that they are father and son.Surprisingly,they get closer to each other.However,Harry still has secrets,secrets that take the form of four helpful spirits.Warning: some child abuse
***The Sixteen Year Old Hangover Part One by Thirteen Ravens (448909)
M - FIN 16 chapt Nov04 ![]()
Author's Summary: BE WARNED This fic is silly, sick, slightly dark and proven hilarious! NINE months before Harry Potter was born, James and Lily threw a nice party. Alcohol. Cosmic Cheesy Party Nibbles. Ice Cream. Then a few Slytherin Gatecrashers dropped by...
The Sixteen Year Old Hangover Part Two by Thirteen Ravens (448909)
M - FIN 18 chapt Nov04 ![]()
Author's Summary: Years and Years after the Potter's rowdy party, a boy sits alone in his room waiting for the clock to chime in his 16th birthday. Can be read separately from my first fic!
The Stormcrow by Reber and Annabell (9084)
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Author's Summary: A new prophecy causes Severus Snape to resume his True Form and along with the grieving Harry Potter, go in search of Destruction. Crossover with Neil Gaiman's The Sandman.
The tale of the lost son by scap3goat (676682)
T - WIP 6 chapt Jan05 ![]()
Author's Summary: The cover-version of a prophecy makes everyone a little bit jumpy. The original prophecy was made a long time ago. But are prophecies always true? And do they lose their truth during the ‘centuries’? (6th year, severitus challenge)
***The Task by Stephalopolis (213308)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Dec05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Every year, Severus is given a simple task to complete.
The Tides of Blood by Sterenn (376323)
T - WIP 5 chapt Nov04 ![]()
Author's Summary: When Severus took away a Notebook from Harry, he didn't imagine it would contain a secret... A secret implying him, and two teenagers he hates.... Together, will they be able to change their destiny and the world's doom ?
Nothing yet. One of those ‘Draco’s really a poor abused boy’ and Snape took Lily’s diary to read… Sevitus(?)
***The Tortured Soul by purpleygirl (861930)
T - FIN 7 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: WAS 'REORGANISING MEMORIES'. Someone else 'survived' Godric's Hollow that day...but at what cost? Severitus, but Harry's appearance doesn't change...for a very good reason. AU of OotP with HBP spoilers.
***The Troubles with Kids by Siv the Elf (205226)
K+ - FIN 15 chapt May04 ![]()
Author's Summary: A mis-made spell turns Ron, Harry, and Hermione into 2-year-olds. What does snape have to do with all this? Find out! PG for mild violent memories. FINISHED!
***The truth is in the blood by wwwendy ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: End of 6th yr HP is nervous about V’s annual attack He finds out from a very unlikely source that James & Lily weren’t his biological parents. Severitus or Sevitus
*The Unpredicted truth by Angela Lillith Potter ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: It's the summer after fifth year. Harry gets a letter from someone thought dead and discovers the truth about himself. Don't hate me. R&R
The Warmth of Love by silverbirch (670354)
T - FIN 5 chapt Mar05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry battles with Voldemort visions and the starnge consequences they bring, while dealing with emotional turmoil as he discovers that Snape is his biological father. Features mentor!Remus and fatherly!Snape. HPGW, RWHG
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: The summer after Harry's 5th year, he's been having horrible dreams, mainly about Snape's memories. Was their mind-link never fully closed? Read and discover the life of the man named Severus Snape.
They Shook Hands by Dethryl (FA)
K+ - FIN 19 chapt Feb04 ![]()
Author's Summary: "I know I'll be in Slytherin, all our family have been - where are my manners?" The boy held out his hand. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Not knowing what else to do, Harry took the boy's hand. "Harry Potter." A friendly handshake in Madam Malkin's leads to an AU which is eerily like the canon, featuring a cast of first year Slytherins as you've never seen them: normal children. Join Harry Potter and his new friends as they discover their magical talents and help him to explore the world that has been kept from him these past ten years.
Patricia says: Mentor 5 frogs
***Things I Never Knew by youcantseeus ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: When Snape’s son comes to Hogwarts, Harry discovers secrets about his Potions Master that he never imagined and Snape learns a few things about Harry as well. Chapter 13 Up!
Thoughts About A Father by Danu3 (614221)
M - FIN 9 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: My stab at a Severitus. Snape is Harry's father, and neither really bode well with the revelation. What does it take for them to realize how much they depend on each other? Rated for language only. Complete.
3.5 frogs.
Sequel: Thoughts About A Family
To Be A Father by LdyKiya (577684)
K+ - FIN 9 chapt Aug05 ![]()
Author's Summary: I'm going with PG for language and other stuff. This is a Severus Snape is Harry's Father story. It is slash: SSJP, SBRL, AU and OcC. By the way this story is soooo Un'Beta'd. If you interested in helping with that let me know
*To Be A Father by Tarawen (433071)
T - FIN 2 chapt Aug05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Severitus: Severus Snape is Harry's father in blood, but what is it really to be a real father? On Hold until an undetermined date.
***To Life Again by Silverthreads (554392)
K+ - FIN 18 chapt Mar05 ![]()
Author's Summary: No time travel nor potions accident, but Severus Snape returns as a child. Harry Potter, a professor at Hogwarts with children of his own, is the only one who understands.
To Question His Loyalty by Footmonster (285655)
T - WIP 1 chapt Oct05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Captured by Voldemort, Harry meets the man whose loyalties he'd always questioned: Snape. Will Harry ever trust Snape again? Harry will have to try.... He needs Snape's help. postHBP
44. Trapped Together by breannatala reviews
Snape has to stay a day at the Dursleys' in Harry's room because the Death Eaters are watching the house and Snape is injured. Then something unexpected and bad happens. More to be added later. NOT SLASH
Fiction Rated: K - English - General/Angst - Chapters: 3 - Words: 7795 - Reviews: 69 - Updated: 8-28-06 - Published: 3-27-06*True Heros Never Die by Phantom of the Playhouse (569188)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: One Shot, ProHBP. Two people come to certain realizations about life and death, past, present, and future but it all comes a little to late. Warning: I have had my friend break down at the lunch table when I had them read this.
Trust by A lost lily (429038)
T - WIP 34 chapt 05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Harry's secret is discovered by the Dursleys, and he suddenly finds himself homeless. Who will he turn to? The story of how the boy who lived changes the life of an ex death eater. FINISHED!
*Truth be Told by Nymphadora-Potter (782436)
T - WIP 3 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: this is the same story that witchmaster was in the process of writing. She let me continue it as she isn't writing on anymore! now to the summary! harry finds changes around his birthday and then goes back to school to find the biggest surprises of his l
*Truth Hurts by Mirriam Q Webster ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: A semi-Severitus slice wherein things do not run so smoothly as one could hope. COMPLETE
Ultima Incantatem by CronoMaster (442177)
T - WIP 1 chapt Nov05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Voldemort is dead, but his supporters still linger. And they may have found a new weapon. Rated for Violence, BloodGore, Language, and mild sexual references.
Underneath it all by LadyRavena (51736)
K+ - FIN 1 chapt Jul05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Set in Book 7, Potter and Snape have a short discussion. NOT SLASH, please R and R
*Venomous by Phinea Rogue (288914)
K+ - FIN chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Dumbledore wants Snape to continue teaching Harry Occlumency. But Severus has other problems than giving lesson to 'that Potter brat'. Features Snape's father. Completed.
120. What colour is my life now? by griffinatic reviews
OOTP spoilers! Sixth year fic with a vivid picture of how Harry percieves his life. Warning! Child abuse. Give it a go, you won't regret it!
Fiction Rated: M - English - Angst/Action/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 9995 - Reviews: 39 - Updated: 5-11-05 - Published: 5-5-05*What if? 1: INVISIBLE ATTRACTION by Bellegeste ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: What if Snape had caught Harry in his Invisibility Cloak that night in Book 1? The first in a series of oneshots, taking canon in new and unexpected directions... No slash.
What's going on by starangel2106 (395920)
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Author's Summary: Ootp spoilers. Harry's 6th summer and year. Some of 7th and after. Harry's struggle and his views. (snape OOC and nice dumbledore)...no slash Complete
What Might Have Been by leggylover03 (397080)
K+ - WIP 26 chapt Oct06 ![]()
Author's Summary: What might have been if Harry had never gone to the Dursely's but instead been raised a wizard?
*What You Are by writer-in-chains (856017)
T - FIN 8 chapt Sep05 ![]()
Author's Summary: After defeating Voldemort, Harry risks a promising career to seek revenge on Severus Snape, but discovers that not everything is at it seems.
When It All Goes Wrong Again by hsomeonesgurl (134197)
T - FIN 6 chapt Dec04 ![]()
Author's Summary: AU. James and Lily Potter aren't Harry's parents. Harry lives with his dad, never knowing his other parent. What happens when a situation calls for him and his dad to move in with his father? RLSSSB. HPDM.
***When It Matters Most by Sentimental Star ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: [Complete Prequel to Beginning Again] It's over. The Final Battle has ended. Harry Potter lays in the hospital wing of Hogwarts, about to wake up. Alone. But a certain Potions Master will not allow that to happen[NonSlash]...
*Where Dreams Will Wander by Linden Winter ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: Post Ootp. Set to continue Occlumency at Hogwarts, Harry’s hope this summer is scarce and Snape, with his own demons, is not prepared to sympathise. But neither of them foresaw the horrors that the Dark Lord would wrought… [NO slash]SnapePOV
*Where He Belongs by Amanda Lily Potter ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: What happens when Harry recieves a mystery letter? Who will help him ease the pain? HPSS FatherSon relationship and OOC Snape. PG13 just to be safe.
*Why? What have I done? by StrangersPearl ()
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 0 ![]()
Author's Summary: My sister once said "Nooo! What kinda 'I'm-trying-to-survive-the-second worldwar-basement' is this" Imagine that you were locked up in a cell like that. With your least favourite person. Constructive criticism is allways welcome.
Wizard's Chess by Natasha Vloyski (550061)
T - WIP 6 chapt Jan06 ![]()
Author's Summary: The final epic adventure of Harry. This follows cannon and is meant to be the final book. For another story of magnificent caliber, read The Seventh Soul, now complete. Please review when you read a fanfiction. It inspires the author to keep writing. Happ
move to main C2 group after next chapter added.
Wringing Sense Out of Snape by Orion Scorpio (453946)
K - FIN 1 chapt Dec05 ![]()
Author's Summary: Oneshot. While searching for Voldemort's horcruxes together, Harry is almost killed due to a bad decision on Snape's part. Harry decides that a few changes are due... or Snape is not going to enjoy the consequences.
You Broke Him, You Fix Him by teacherbev (910815)
T - WIP 30 chapt Oct06 ![]()
Author's Summary: After a brutal Occlumency lesson has disasterous consequences, Dumbledore insists that Snape fix Harry and take his place at the Dursleys. Rated for language and abuse.
You're a Mean One, Mr Snape by sarini (808882)
T - FIN 1 chapt Dec05 ![]()
Author's Summary: OneShot. Harry has had quite enough of Professor Snape. During Occlumency lessons over Christmas one year, Harry makes sure Snape knows. Follows OOTP, no HBP, almost no spoilers. Rating for language only. RWHG mentioned
K+ - FIN 1 chapt 05 ![]()
Author's Summary:
Horris BungleberryRead HP is more than a little tired
My Penname is Jade Aislin. The story is called A Different Kind of Truth. Here's the url: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2124377/1/
Try Not To Hate Him" http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2052921/1/
"Watcher" by Robin4
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