Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.
- A (titles N-Z) and An (title) -
Go to the "A [title]" A-M
A New Daddy for Harry by Marchioness Sweet Flower(57136)
Author's Summary: AU: Sirius is famous for having captured Death Eater Peter Pettigrew. Sirius is awarded custody of baby Harry. Remus lives with them. The Weasleys and Severus make an appearance.
A New Dawn by Helen T (15177)
Author's Summary: Formerly A New Dawn: A New Person. Severitus' challenge. What happens when Harry find's out Professor Snape is his Father. Also Contains R/Hr and H/G and some bits of my own.
A Path Once Chosen by MaireadInish (338517)
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.net
Author's Summary: Snape reflects on the consequences of his choice of being branded a slave and of all that he gave up.
Nothing yet.
A Potions Accident by Arualcopia (3154690)
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: A slight twist to the usual deaging stories. What if the accident created a gas? What if it effected the entire class? How does Snape deal with fifteen toddlers?
A Promise Fulfilled by Mikee (290637)
Author's Summary: Once again, Harry is rescued. Warning: Child abuse implied. AU... courses are different from Canon. Severus and Remus recount Harry's start at Hogwarts.
A Promise to Be Better by Raven Dancer (69188)
Author's Summary: After returning to the Death Eaters Snape begins to crack. It's up to Dumbledore to keep him together through the turmoil. COMPLETED.
A Promise Worth Keeping by Cas (80655)
Author's Summary: AU. Before he ever hears of Hogwarts, Harry has a magical accident that has horrible repercussions for him. In a race to protect him, two old friends end up on opposite sides when the real danger lies elsewhere...
A Relative Challenge by Cougon (149832)
Author's Summary: It is said that the most powerful form of magic, is choice. What will happen when Harry is faced with a choice that will save one world and destroy another? ((NO SLASH)) Severitus' Challenge response
Harry is kidnapped by Voldemort.
A Second Chance by Blaise (6432)
Author's Summary: What was the 'matter' between Professor Snape and Dumbledore that makes Dumbledore trust him? Here's an answer.
A Second Chance by S.L (145185)
Author Summary: AU fic, where Harry uses a spell to meet up with his parents who live in a world where they never died, but Harry Potter did.
A Shifting of Perspective by Athena Keating-Thomas (291166)
Author's Summery: Response to a challenge: Snape catches Harry lurking in Knockturn Alley.
Response to HPSS Gen Fest Challenge #59
A Simple Wish by Magami (335398)
Author's Summary: It is the summer after the tragic events of the fourth year at Hogwarts. Harry Potter is a lonely, depressed, broken boy wishing for someone who truely cares. Care that will come from one of the most unlikely person.
unread. Hints of a future Sevitus.
A Slightly Different Begining by Earwen Uruviel Tinuviel (215249)
Author's Summary: This is an AU fic. What would have happened if Lily had married Severus instead of James. How would this change how Harry was brought up? Read to find out
A Slytherin Aid by shadowsylvia (495680)
Author's Summary: Four years after the Final Battle, Snape finds out that he has a son. Liam, a young man with scars from the Final Battle, finds out that his biological father is alive. How will Liam cope? This is on hiatus until I finish the other one!
A Son's Hope and A Father's Desire by Usaka (203280)
Author's Summary: severitus challenge with a few twists..it’s about Harry finding out he actually has a father, the Dursley’s abuse Harry, don’t worry though, nothing to graphic. He’s going to find out more about himself, old enemies will become new friends, old friends will become new enemies, also appearances by old Characters and old friends, also new animals.
A Spy's Secrets by BlueGryphon (480188)
Author's Summary: Okay, this is Severitus, but hopefully with a difference. Harry goes from being a kid without a family to one with hordes of relatives. What happens when he goes to them for the summer? And what about Hogwarts? Pranks will feature majorly.
OOC? Alba Dumbledore is Mum, Albus is Gramps? Cousin "Buzz" Tonks? Memoranbrall makes Snape "Father" just like that. Harry renamed Marc. Stepmom Altair, 3 siblings.
A Summer Job by Saphire Starlet (683853)
Author's Summary: Harry's realitives force him to get a job this summer... however, the Order has not been informed of this little detail... uh oh! One Shot! PLEASE R&R.
A Sweet Exchange of the Acidic Kind by GuTTerArT (1031543)
Author's Summary: A moment witnessed between two of Hogwarts' most hated Professors. Snape didn't always obey Umbridge, she was far too low on the primordial food chain for that. OneShot
A Tabby and Her Kit by uber grasshopper (348325)
Author's Summary: Minerva stubbornly defies Dumbledore's command and rescues baby Harry Potter from his uncaring relatives. How will she handle raising him without the help of Hogwarts?
A Terrible Joke by Angie Astravic (9000)
Author's Summary: Don't say you weren't warned. Harry gets invited to the Dark Wizards' Ball; Malfoy resorts to double entendre.
A Thing of the Past by Lady of Tears (521270)
Author's Summary: Harry Potter is sent a letter that transports him to the time of the Marauders sixth year. He must survive Voldemor'ts newest plan to destroy him in the one place he is vulnerable...the past.
A Time and Place to Grow by pdantzler2 (791133)
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: After mistakenly flooing himself to Snape's home the summer after Sirius' death, Harry realizes that his potions master can take matters into his own hands, literally. Warning: This story does involve the spanking of teenagers. If you have a problem with this, do not read and do not review. Any criticisms about CP will be ignored
A Time For Miracles by Sentimental Star (135937)
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.net
Author's Summary: [COMPLETE] It is Harry's fifth year and things do not go quite as planned. An unlikely friendship forms between two very different people; that friendship, however, might just determine the outcome of this war...[Non-Slash]
A Time For Truth by Tiger of the Fire (264521)
Author's Summary: Severitus' Challenge. What would you do if you were not who you seemed? Severus Snape finds out he is a father, his love kept a secret from him and he finally gets to see her after 15 years. Harry's world is turned upside-down and only one person knows all.
Harry renamed Jameson, Mother alive and named Kelsey, now pregnant. Just a dream? What?
Sequel: Changed Times
A Time of Tears by Punisher (223300)
Author's Summary: Ithelian Harry Potter learns about his real parentage. As Harry imbarks upon a journey of self-discovery with his real father, he enters a world full of ghosts, demons, faeries, and strange gods. [Severitus' Challange fic]
A Very, Very Tangled Web by Oriana Dumbledore (248955)
Author's Summary: Decisions made concerning the lives of Harry Potter, Alexander Snape and Draco Malfoy were made fifteen years ago by three women trying to protect their children, what happens when the tangled web of lies surrounding the three boys is revealed? (SLASH)
A Witch in the Family by fledge (66462)
Author's Summary: Ever wondered how magical muggle children spend their childhood before going to Hogwarts? Here's a speculation about Hermione's first 11 years. NEW CHAPTER UP!
A Wrinkle In Time by MrIntel (460921)
Author's Summary: [COMPLETE] During the summer after Harry’s fifth year, he visits the Burrow to find out about a mysterious gift given by Ginny Weasley. When the gift’s powers are revealed, Harry and Ginny decide to use it to finally give Harry what he has always wanted.
A Year Like None Other by Aspen in the Sunlight (41471) LJ
PotionsandSnitches - Skyehawke dot com Yahoo Group
Author's Summary: A letter from home sends Harry down a path he'd never have walked on his own. Follows Order of the Phoenix. Rated R for violence, disturbing imagery, and profanity.
Side stories: Nightmare in Devon, AYLNO- Substitute Chapter 91, The Curmudgeon and the Casewitch, Out of Sight -- A Year Like None Other Speculation
Sequel: A Summer Like None Other
An Answered Prayer by jamiexh (78751)
Author's Summary: When 5 year old Harry is abused, Hogwarts comes to the rescue. Harry/Snape/Minerva bonding. NO SLASH. NO SEX
An Assumption, A Lie and the Truth by Lisa13 (278693)
Author's Summary:Severitus's Challenge. Snape is Harry's biological father. they both know something. Very original plot aspects. Enjoy!
An Attempt by chicadoodle (539341)
Author's Summary: Harry has been living with Dumbledore, the summer after his fifth year, and has been indulging in muggle drugs to force away the image of Voldemorts torture sessions. {chapter 4 up!}
Not much yet.
An Innocent Gift by Amber Dream (223445)
Author's Summary: Due to Voldemort's... insanity, Severus is forced to take an unidentified potion. When the effects of said potion take place, what does Dumbledore do? Send him to the one person he feels he can trust of course. Not slash. RR please. FINALLY! CHAPTER 6 UP!
An Issue Over Trust by Corbin Slate (311641)
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.net
Author's Summary:Harry needs help, and the one sent to the rescue is Snape. :) Not Slash!
An Old Man's Meddling... by Severitus (123967)
PotionsandSnitches - Fanfiction.Net
Author's Summary: It all starts when Harry misses the train, and his worst enemy has to take him home. Sometimes all it takes is truth to end hatred.....
Broom ride to Privet Drive.
An Understanding by Burghound (406259)
Author's Summary: Post-OotP. Harry's back at home for the summer, just turned 16, and Dudley and his gang want to have some fun with him... But little do they know who's been assigned by Dumbledore to watch Harry at the moment.
Would have been 5 frogs if left as a one-shot.
An Understanding by zeldaricdeau (73274)
Author's Summary: On a cold morning in October Harry Potter and Severus Snape are given an opportunity to come to an understanding. PG rating for some language in later updates. NOT SLASH. Any constructive criticism welcome.